A way of thinking




Orr JA, Vinebrooke RD, Jackson MC, Kroeker KJ, Kordas RL, Mantyka-Pringle C, Van den Brink PJ, De Laender F, Stoks R, Holmstrup M, Matthaei CD, Monk WA, Penk MR, Leuzinger S, Schäfer RB, Piggott JJ. 2020. Towards a unified study of multipl…


今月のIEAMは熱い。特に以下の議論は,ちょうど頭の中で考えていたところだったので。 Burton, G.A., 2017. The focus on chemicals alone in human-dominated ecosystems is inappropriate. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 13, 568-57…


複合曝露影響の評価(予測)のR packageが出たみたいです。その名もmixtox。どれくらい使えるか全然分かってないのですが,スタンダードなところはおさえられているような気がします。TKST&KMにしても,Meyerの論文にしても,Rでパッケージ化して,非常に分…

Brix KV, Tellis MS, Crémazy A, Wood CM (2016) Characterization of the effects of binary metal mixtures on short-term uptake of Ag, Cu, and Ni by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquatic Toxicology, 180: 236-246 おそらく,2014年のバンク…


Jahnke A, Mayer P, Schäfer S, Witt G, Haase N, Escher BI (2016) Strategies for Transferring Mixtures of Organic Contaminants from Aquatic Environments into Bioassays. Environmental Science & Technology フィリップさんから教えてもらった論文…


Niyogi S, Nadella SR, Wood CM (2015) Interactive effects of waterborne metals in binary mixtures on short-term gill–metal binding and ion uptake in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquatic Toxicology, 165: 109-119 ラボの学生の輪読で眺…

Nys C, Asselman J, Hochmuth JD, Janssen CR, Blust R, Smolders E, De Schamphelaere KAC (2015) Mixture toxicity of nickel and zinc to Daphnia magna is noninteractive at low effect sizes but becomes synergistic at high effect sizes. Environme…

Iwasaki, Y. & Brinkman, S.F. (2014) Application of generalized linear mixed model to analyze mixture toxicity: Survival of brown trout affected by copper and zinc. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, n/a-n/a. ここでも少し触れたET&Cの金…



Iwasaki Y., Kamo M. and Naito W. (accepted) Testing an application of a biotic ligand model to predict acute toxicity of metal mixtures to rainbow trout. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 内藤さんに連れて行ってもらった,2011年(確か5…



追記 2014/8/8 KMさんに頂いた,Kortenkampさんらの報告書とFaust et al. 2001(Aquatic toxicology)を読み,彼らの主張が正しいとすると*1,n個の物質について与えられた濃度で予測されるmixture影響は(平行性を仮定しなくても)CAを仮定して,以下の式で予…


Qiu, H., Vijver, M.G., van Gestel, C.A.M., He, E. & Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M. (2014) Modeling cadmium and nickel toxicity to earthworms with the free ion approach. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33, 438-446. Steve Loftsが提案しているf…

Syberg, K., Elleby, A., Pedersen, H., Cedergreen, N. & Forbes, V.E. (2008) Mixture toxicity of three toxicants with similar and dissimilar modes of action to Daphnia magna. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 69, 428–436. T大のYさんか…

De Jonge, M., Tipping, E., Lofts, S., Bervoets, L. & Blust, R. (2013) The use of invertebrate body burdens to predict ecological effects of metal mixtures in mining-impacted waters. Aquatic Toxicology, 142–143, 294-302. 水生昆虫(ヒラタカ…

Rainbow, P.S., Hildrew, A.G., Smith, B.D., Geatches, T. & Luoma, S.N. (2012) Caddisflies as biomonitors identifying thresholds of toxic metal bioavailability that affect the stream benthos. Environmental Pollution, 166, 196-207. RainbowとL…

Poteat, M.D., Garland, T., Fisher, N.S., Wang, W. & Buchwalter, D.B. (2013) Evolutionary patterns in trace metal (Cd and Zn) efflux capacity in aquatic organisms. Environmental Science & Technology, 47, 7989-7995. いくつかの底生動物につい…

Mixturesと混合モデルという検索では,Chris Genningsさんの仕事がひっかかってくる。人健康の枠だとは思うんだけど,SASで,0〜100%の応答のものに,nonlinear mixed modelを使っている模様。Gompertz modelを使うと,どうやら変数を線形モデルみたい(例え…

Balistrieri, L.S., Mebane, C.A., 2014. Predicting the toxicity of metal mixtures. Sci. Total Environ. 466–467, 788-799. クリスさんのお仕事。Edにしても,Chrisにしても,精力的だなぁと思う次第です。クリスの論文は大抵長いのですが,この論文もご…

Tipping, E., Lofts, S., 2013. Metal mixture toxicity to aquatic biota in laboratory experiments: Application of the WHAM-FTOX model. Aquat. Toxicol. 142–143, 114-122. つい最近公開された論文。WHAM-Ftoxを色んな実験室データに当てはめた例。残…

Warne, M.S.J. & Hawker, D.W. (1995) The number of components in a mixture determines whether synergistic and antagonistic or additive toxicity predominate: The Funnel hypothesis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 31, 23-28 先日永井さ…


Jonker MJ, Svendsen C, Bedaux JJM, Bongers M, Kammenga JE. 2005. Significance testing of synergistic/antagonistic, dose level-dependent, or dose ratio-dependent effects in mixture dose-response analysis. Environ Toxicol Chem 24:2701-2713. …


Ouellet JD, Dubé MG, Niyogi S. 2013. The influence of food quantity on metal bioaccumulation and reproduction in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) during chronic exposures to a metal mine effluent. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 91:188-197. Ni…

Barata et al. 2006. Toxicity of binary mixtures of metals and pyrethroid insecticides to Daphnia magna Straus. Implications for multi-substance risks assessment. Aquatic Toxicology 78, 1-14. タイトルからは明白ではないけど,毒性試験から出て…