9月末にPeter Chapmanが亡くなられたらしい。信じられない。EcotoxicologyというかEcological Risk Assessment文脈の人じゃないと*1,「誰やねん」という感じかもしれないけど,ボク的には,SETACで会った「めっちゃイケてる人」の一人。Peter Chapman Obitu…
M Kattwinkel, P Reichert, J Rüegg, M Liess and N Schuwirth (2016) Modeling macroinvertebrate community dynamics in stream mesocosms contaminated with a pesticide. Environ Sci Technol:3165-3173. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04068 Streambugsという…
Karr, J.R., 1993. Defining and assessing ecological integrity: Beyond water quality. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 12, 1521-1531. Suter, G.W., 1993. A critique of ecosystem health concepts and indexes. Environmental Toxicology and…
Serveiss, V.B., Bowen, J.l., Dow, D., Valiela, I., 2004. Using ecological risk assessment to identify the major anthropogenic stressor in the Waquoit Bay watershed, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Environmental Management 33, 730-740. 実際の湾(W…