A way of thinking



Tlili A, Berard A, Blanck H, Bouchez A, Cássio F, Eriksson KM, Morin S, Montuelle B, Navarro E, Pascoal C, Pesce S, Schmitt-Jansen M, Behra R (2015) Pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT): towards an ecologically relevant risk assess…

Green JW (2015) The Challenge: Statistical challenges in ecotoxicology. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 34: 2437-2437 Statistical challenges in ecotoxicologyという題目で,Green, Newman, Crane, Mebane*1,Aldenbergたちがコメントを寄…

Niyogi S, Nadella SR, Wood CM (2015) Interactive effects of waterborne metals in binary mixtures on short-term gill–metal binding and ion uptake in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquatic Toxicology, 165: 109-119 ラボの学生の輪読で眺…


Matsubayashi T, Ueda M (2015) Relative Age in School and Suicide among Young Individuals in Japan: A Regression Discontinuity Approach. PLoS ONE, 10: e0135349 4月2日で学年が変わるみたいなのですが,それが15歳から25歳の自殺率にどう影響してい…