A way of thinking




河川環境の指標生物学 (環境Eco選書)北隆館Amazonこの本は、平均スコア(ASPT)の全国河川の値が載っているので手元に持っていたのですが、先日一緒にご一緒したITさんがヒルの専門家だと後で教えてもらって、「11.ヒルの環境指標性ー分類・生態的基礎知見を…


Olson, J. R., Cormier S. M., 2019. Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variation in Natural Background Specific Conductivity. Environmental Science & Technology 53, 4316-4325. Cormierさんの最近の論文を眺めていて、気づいた論文。タイトルの通りで、…


Miina Yanagihara, Kyoshiro Hiki, Yuichi Iwasaki (2022) Can chemical toxicity in saltwater be predicted from toxicity in freshwater? A comprehensive evaluation using species sensitivity distributions. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.…


Büttner, O., J. W. Jawitz, S. Birk, and D. Borchardt. 2022. Why wastewater treatment fails to protect stream ecosystems in europe. Water Research 217:118382. 久々にざっと眺めた論文。ヨーロッパ全体で、ecological statusと廃水の希釈割合の関係…




海洋プラスチックごみ問題の真実: マイクロプラスチックの実態と未来予測 (DOJIN選書)作者:磯辺 篤彦化学同人Amazonボクなんかが説明するのも恐縮ですが,海洋プラスチックごみ問題の現状から,問題点の整理(それもかなり幅広く),実際の海岸での観測から…


Washburn T, Rhodes ACE, Montagna PA. 2016. Benthic taxa as potential indicators of a deep-sea oil spill. Ecol Indic 71:587-597 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.07.045. Washburn TW, Menot L, Bonifácio P, Pape E, Błażewicz M, Bribiesca-Contreras …


Iwasaki Y, Sorgog K. 2021. Estimating species sensitivity distributions on the basis of readily obtainable descriptors and toxicity data for three species of algae, crustaceans, and fish. PeerJ 9:e10981 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.10981. peerj.com …


Kon Kam King G, Veber P, Charles S, Delignette-Muller ML. 2014. MOSAIC_SSD: A new web tool for species sensitivity distribution to include censored data by maximum likelihood. Environ Toxicol Chem 33:2133-2139 DOI: 10.1002/etc.2644 https:/…


Namba H, Iwasaki Y, Morita K, Ogino T, Mano H, Shinohara N, Yasutaka T, Matsuda H, and Kamo M. 2021. Comparing impacts of metal contamination on macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages in a northern Japanese river. PeerJ 9:e10808. 難波さん…


Hiki K, and Iwasaki Y. 2020. Can we reasonably predict chronic species sensitivity distributions from acute species sensitivity distributions? Environmental Science & Technology 54:13131–13136. 10.1021/acs.est.0c03108 HKさんと今年3月頭?く…


Namba H, Iwasaki Y, Heino J, Matsuda H. 2020. What to survey? A systematic review of the choice of biological groups in assessing ecological impacts of metals in running waters. Environ Toxicol Chem. DOI: 10.1002/etc.4810. 横国大の難波さん…


Fantke P, Aurisano N, Bare J, Backhaus T, Bulle C, Chapman PM, De Zwart D, Dwyer R, Ernstoff A, Golsteijn L, Holmquist H, Jolliet O, McKone TE, Owsianiak M, Peijnenburg W, Posthuma L, Roos S, Saouter E, Schowanek D, van Straalen NM, Vijver…


Takeshita KM, Hayashi TI, Yokomizo H. 2020. The effect of intervention in nickel concentrations on benthic macroinvertebrates: A case study of statistical causal inference in ecotoxicology. Environ Pollut. 265:115059. なんか身内みたいな気…


Carr GJ, Belanger SE. 2019. SSDs revisited: Part I—a framework for sample size guidance on species sensitivity distribution analysis. Environ Toxicol Chem. 38(7):1514–1525. 某P○○の方からクレームが来たらごめんなさいなのですが、この論文すご…


Jacob H, Besson M, Swarzenski PW, Lecchini D, Metian M. 2020. Effects of virgin micro- and nanoplastics on fish: Trends, meta-analysis, and perspectives. Environ Sci Technol 54:4733-4745. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b05995. ざっと訳すと「マイク…




Orr JA, Vinebrooke RD, Jackson MC, Kroeker KJ, Kordas RL, Mantyka-Pringle C, Van den Brink PJ, De Laender F, Stoks R, Holmstrup M, Matthaei CD, Monk WA, Penk MR, Leuzinger S, Schäfer RB, Piggott JJ. 2020. Towards a unified study of multipl…


Douziech, M., Ragas A. M. J., van Zelm R., Oldenkamp R., Jan Hendriks A., King H., Oktivaningrum R., Huijbregts M. A. J., 2020. Reliable and representative in silico predictions of freshwater ecotoxicological hazardous concentrations. Envi…


Munkittrick, K. R., 1992. A review and evaluation of study design considerations for site-specifically assessing the health of fish populations. Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health 1, 283-293. Munkittrick, K. R., Dixon D. G., 1989. A holis…

Sumpter, J.P., 2009. Protecting aquatic organisms from chemicals: the harsh realities. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 367, 3877-3894. ボクの推し研究者Sumpter先生のエッセイ…


Holeton, C., Chambers, P.A., Grace, L., 2011. Wastewater release and its impacts on Canadian waters. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68, 1836-1859. リサゲか何かで偶然見つけた論文(レビュー的なパースペクティブ論文)。こう…


岩崎雄一, 本田大士, 西岡亨, 石川百合子 山根雅之 (2019) LAS濃度が高い河川地点はどんな特徴があるか?:水生生物保全を目的とした水環境管理への示唆. 水環境学会誌 42:201-206. doi: 10.2965/jswe.42.201 水環境学会に掲載された自分の論文を久々に紹介…

Effect-based assessment

De Baat, M. L., Kraak M. H. S., Van der Oost R., De Voogt P., Verdonschot P. F. M., 2019. Effect-based nationwide surface water quality assessment to identify ecotoxicological risks. Water Research 159, 434-443. SETAC Helsinkiで話したMilo…


Posthuma L, Dyer SD, de Zwart D, Kapo K, Holmes CM, Burton GA (2016) Eco-epidemiology of aquatic ecosystems: Separating chemicals from multiple stressors. Sci Total Environ 573: 1303-1319. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.06.2…

Burdon et al. 2019

Burdon FJ, Munz NA, Reyes M, Focks A, Joss A, Räsänen K, Altermatt F, Eggen RIL, Stamm C (2019) Agriculture versus wastewater pollution as drivers of macroinvertebrate community structure in streams. Sci Total Environ 659: 1256-1265. DOI: …

Coal miningの環境影響

Giam X, Olden JD, Simberloff D (2018) Impact of coal mining on stream biodiversity in the US and its regulatory implications. Nature Sustainability 1: 176-183. DOI: 10.1038/s41893-018-0048-6 炭鉱が下流の河川の生物多様性に及ぼす影響をメタ解…


川の環境目標を考える―川の健康診断作者: 中村太士,辻本哲郎,天野邦彦,河川環境目標検討委員会出版社/メーカー: 技報堂出版発売日: 2008/07/01メディア: 単行本この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る今更ながら,「特定の河川や地点における「生態影響」を評価…


あくまでボクの中の頭の整理です。野外で特定の化学物質の影響を評価したい場合を考える。 ある地点の生物相が対照地点のそれと同様である場合に,「当該物質の影響はほとんどないと判断する」 ある地点の生物相が対照地点のそれと明らかな差異がある場合に…

環境基準のThe good, the bad and ugly

Chapmanさんおそらく最後のコメント論文(といってもShort Commentary)を眺めて,ESPRの記事も見つけたの合わせて,メモ。 Chapman, P.M., 2018. Sediment remediation can include no action. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Contamination 13, 1–3. ま…