A way of thinking




Iwasaki Y, Fukaya K, Fuchida S, Matsumoto S, Araoka D, Tokoro C, and Yasutaka T. 2021. Projecting future changes in element concentrations of approximately 100 untreated discharges from legacy mines in Japan by a hierarchical log-linear mo…


Namba H, Iwasaki Y, Morita K, Ogino T, Mano H, Shinohara N, Yasutaka T, Matsuda H, and Kamo M. 2021. Comparing impacts of metal contamination on macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages in a northern Japanese river. PeerJ 9:e10808. 難波さん…


Namba H, Iwasaki Y, Heino J, Matsuda H. 2020. What to survey? A systematic review of the choice of biological groups in assessing ecological impacts of metals in running waters. Environ Toxicol Chem. DOI: 10.1002/etc.4810. 横国大の難波さん…


Cadmus, P., C. J. Kotalik, A. L. Jefferson, S. H. Wheeler, A. E. McMahon, and W. H. Clements. 2020. Size-dependent sensitivity of aquatic insects to metals. Environmental Science & Technology 54:955-964. Iwasaki, Y., T. S. Schmidt, and W. …


Esin EV, Markevich GN, Shkil FN. 2020. Rapid miniaturization of Salvelinus fish as an adaptation to the volcanic impact. Hydrobiologia. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-020-04296-w. オショロコマへの火山の影響。ざっと読みだけど,土石流で個体群が孤立した…


Munkittrick, K. R., 1992. A review and evaluation of study design considerations for site-specifically assessing the health of fish populations. Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health 1, 283-293. Munkittrick, K. R., Dixon D. G., 1989. A holis…

Coal miningの環境影響

Giam X, Olden JD, Simberloff D (2018) Impact of coal mining on stream biodiversity in the US and its regulatory implications. Nature Sustainability 1: 176-183. DOI: 10.1038/s41893-018-0048-6 炭鉱が下流の河川の生物多様性に及ぼす影響をメタ解…

Armitage et al.

Armitage, P.D., 1980. The effects of mine drainage and organic enrichment on benthos in the river nent system, Northern Pennines. Hydrobiologia 74, 119-128. Armitage, P.D., Blackburn, J.H., 1985. Chironomidae in a Pennine stream system rec…


Yuichi Iwasaki, Travis Schmidt, William H. Clements (2018) Quantifying differences in responses of aquatic insects to trace metal exposure in field studies and short-term stream mesocosm experiments. Environmental Science & Technology 最近…

Scheibener, S., Conley, J.M., Buchwalter, D., 2017. Sulfate transport kinetics and toxicity are modulated by sodium in aquatic insects. Aquatic Toxicology 190, 62-69. 他にも色々やっているんだけど,SO4の毒性が,Naで緩和されるという論文。雑…


Brix KV, Tellis MS, Crémazy A, Wood CM (2016) Characterization of the effects of binary metal mixtures on short-term uptake of Ag, Cu, and Ni by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquatic Toxicology, 180: 236-246 おそらく,2014年のバンク…

こんなことしている場合ではないのですが,せっかく読んだのでメモとして: 藻類(微細藻類のバイオフィルム)における金属の取り込み(Ag)と排出(なぜか複数金属)に,増殖による希釈がどのような影響を及ぼすか,調査した研究。ラボ実験と野外検証を行っ…



昨日は東大であったBob Santoreさん,Bob Dwyerさん,W. Berryさんのセミナーに参加。基本的な話が多かったけれども,みなさんさすがだなぁという感じ。ただ,まぁ基本的なところを知っているからこそついていけた感はあるので,他の方がどれくらい…となると…

Niyogi S, Nadella SR, Wood CM (2015) Interactive effects of waterborne metals in binary mixtures on short-term gill–metal binding and ion uptake in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquatic Toxicology, 165: 109-119 ラボの学生の輪読で眺…

広瀬茂久, 平田拓., 江嵜正浩 (2006) 酸性湖とアルカリ湖にすむ魚の適応戦略. 極限環境微生物学会誌 5:69-73 doi:10.3118/jjse.5.69 金属の毒性影響をやっていて,それとなく毒性メカニズムも議論されるのですが,こういう話も参考になりそうでおもしろいで…

Nys C, Asselman J, Hochmuth JD, Janssen CR, Blust R, Smolders E, De Schamphelaere KAC (2015) Mixture toxicity of nickel and zinc to Daphnia magna is noninteractive at low effect sizes but becomes synergistic at high effect sizes. Environme…

菅谷芳雄 (2006) バイオモニタリングによる農薬類の生態影響評価. 環境毒性学会誌, 9, 61-68. 仲山慶 (2006) トキシコゲノミクスによるPOPs等有害化学物質の生体影響評価. 環境毒性学会誌, 9, 81-86. 柏田祥策 (2006) 魚類を用いた農薬環境科学の最前線. 環…

Poteat, M.D., Jacobus, L.M. & Buchwalter, D.B. (2015) The importance of retaining a phylogenetic perspective in traits-based community analyses. Freshwater Biology. 個人的に待ってました,という感じの研究*1。カドミウムのuptake rateとefflux …

当初3月に出ると聞いていたのですが,4月号に出ました。金属の複合影響の特集号。 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/etc.v34.4/issuetoc 他の人たちの(特にSantoreあたり)の論文もちゃんと読んでおきたいところです。以下の論文を紹介したボク…

Sakamoto, M., J.-Y. Ha, S. Yoneshima, C. Kataoka, H. Tatsuta, and S. Kashiwada. 2015. Free Silver Ion as the Main Cause of Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles to Cladocerans. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxic…

新装版 合本 公害原論作者: 宇井純出版社/メーカー: 亜紀書房発売日: 2006/12/01メディア: 単行本購入: 1人 クリック: 11回この商品を含むブログ (21件) を見る渡良瀬川で調査することになったので公害原論の足尾鉱毒事件の章を読んでみる。自主講座「公害原…

Iwasaki, Y. & Brinkman, S.F. (2014) Application of generalized linear mixed model to analyze mixture toxicity: Survival of brown trout affected by copper and zinc. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, n/a-n/a. ここでも少し触れたET&Cの金…


McIntyre, J.K., Baldwin, D.H., Meador, J.P. & Scholz, N.L. (2008) Chemosensory deprivation in juvenile coho salmon exposed to dissolved copper under varying water chemistry conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 42, 1352-1358. 銅…

Leland HV, Fend SV, Dudley TL, Carter JL (1989) Effects of copper on species composition of benthic insects in a Sierra Nevada, California, stream. Freshwater Biology, 21: 163-179 銅を川にまいた野外実験。Research Gate経由でCarterさんが送っ…

Iwasaki Y., Kamo M. and Naito W. (accepted) Testing an application of a biotic ligand model to predict acute toxicity of metal mixtures to rainbow trout. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 内藤さんに連れて行ってもらった,2011年(確か5…

Kraus, J.M., Schmidt, T.S., Walters, D.M., Wanty, R.B., Zuellig, R.E. & Wolf, R.E. (2013) Cross-ecosystem impacts of stream pollution reduce resource and contaminant flux to riparian food webs. Ecological Applications, 24, 235-243. 川−陸つ…

Wesner, J.S., Kraus, J.M., Schmidt, T.S., Walters, D.M. & Clements, W.H. (2014) Metamorphosis Enhances the Effects of Metal Exposure on the Mayfly, Centroptilum triangulifer. Environmental Science & Technology, 48, 10415-10422. 水生昆虫は…

De Jonge, M., Lofts, S., Bervoets, L. & Blust, R. (2014) Relating metal exposure and chemical speciation to trace metal accumulation in aquatic insects under natural field conditions. Science of the Total Environment, 496, 11-21. 総量とか…