A way of thinking



流域一貫―森と川と人のつながりを求めて作者:中村 太士メディア: 単行本中村太士さんの本。近い人に知り合いは多いけど,一度生態学会の自由集会の懇親会で挨拶したくらい*1。水質の文脈で,全国一律じゃなくて,流域ごとに管理みたいな話が書いてないかな(…


余談ですが,とある論文の生データがほしくて,コレスポの人にメールしようと思って確認したら,かのVincent Reshさんでした。なんか自分で調べて集めろよ,とかお叱りを受けそうだと勝手に想像しつつも*1,送ってみたところ,さっそくお返事を下さり,共著…


Iwasaki Y, Kagaya T, Matsuda H (2018) Comparing macroinvertebrate assemblages at organic-contaminated river sites with different zinc concentrations: Metal-sensitive taxa may already be absent Environ Pollut 241:272–278 https://doi.org/10.…

Karr, J.R., 1993. Defining and assessing ecological integrity: Beyond water quality. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 12, 1521-1531. Suter, G.W., 1993. A critique of ecosystem health concepts and indexes. Environmental Toxicology and…

Gayraud S, Statzner B, Bady P, Haybachp A, Schöll F, Usseglio-Polatera P, Bacchi M (2003) Invertebrate traits for the biomonitoring of large European rivers: an initial assessment of alternative metrics. Freshwater Biology, 48: 2045-2064 …

Poff NL, Olden JD, Vieira NKM, Finn DS, Simmons MP, Kondratieff BC (2006) Functional trait niches of North American lotic insects: traits-based ecological applications in light of phylogenetic relationships. Journal of the North American B…

Menezes S, Baird DJ, Soares AMVM. Beyond taxonomy: a review of macroinvertebrate trait-based community descriptors as tools for freshwater biomonitoring. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2010;47:711-9. Trait-basedの群集応答の評価のレビュー*1。…


Isaak DJ, Young MK, Luce CH, Hostetler SW, Wenger SJ, Peterson EE, Ver Hoef JM, Groce MC, Horan DL, Nagel DE (2016) Slow climate velocities of mountain streams portend their role as refugia for cold-water biodiversity. Proceedings of the N…

Sundermann A, Stoll S, Haase P (2011) River restoration success depends on the species pool of the immediate surroundings. Ecological Applications, 21: 1962-1971 Restorationに周辺の種プール大事だよという論文。使っているfauna index(FI)が…

Schmera, D., Podani, J., Heino, J., Erős, T. & Poff, N.L. A proposed unified terminology of species traits in stream ecology. Freshwater Science, 0, 000. Traitsの使い方。あまりにざっと眺めただけなので,ほぼ書けることはないですが,0, 1, 2と…

Vaughan, I.P. & Ormerod, S.J. (2014) Linking interdecadal changes in British river ecosystems to water quality and climate dynamics. Global Change Biology, 20, 2725-2740. GCBってIF高いんだけど,ジャーナルのせいなのか,Vaughanさん特有なのか…

Kraus, J.M., Schmidt, T.S., Walters, D.M., Wanty, R.B., Zuellig, R.E. & Wolf, R.E. (2013) Cross-ecosystem impacts of stream pollution reduce resource and contaminant flux to riparian food webs. Ecological Applications, 24, 235-243. 川−陸つ…

Wesner, J.S., Kraus, J.M., Schmidt, T.S., Walters, D.M. & Clements, W.H. (2014) Metamorphosis Enhances the Effects of Metal Exposure on the Mayfly, Centroptilum triangulifer. Environmental Science & Technology, 48, 10415-10422. 水生昆虫は…

Camp, A.A., Funk, D.H. & Buchwalter, D.B. (2014) A stressful shortness of breath: molting disrupts breathing in the mayfly Cloeon dipterum. Freshwater Science, 33, 695-699. Davidさんはおもしろい仕事をしますねぇ。脱皮中*1のフタバカゲロウを…

Atkinson, C.L., Julian, J.P. & Vaughn, C.C. (2014) Species and function lost: Role of drought in structuring stream communities. Biological Conservation, 176, 30-38. お,おもしろそうと思って読んでみたんだけど,まじっすか,二枚貝のことしか…

Hernandez, S.A. & Peckarsky, B.L. (2014) Do stream mayflies exhibit trade-offs between food acquisition and predator avoidance behaviors? Freshwater Science, 33, 124-133. ドリフト絡みということで,コカゲロウの餌摂取(採集?)と捕食者忌避行…



Yoshikawa, S., Yanagawa, A., Iwasaki, Y., Sui, P., Koirala, S., Hirano, K., Khajuria, A., Mahendran, R., Hirabayashi, Y., Yoshimura, C. & Kanae, S. (2014) Illustrating a new global-scale approach to estimating potential reduction in fish s…

Wootton, J.T., Parker, M.S. & Power, M.E. (1996) Effects of disturbance on river food webs. Science, 273, 1558-1561. 河川生態学の三宅さんの章?で知った論文。タイトルほどおもしろくないというか,これがScienceな理由がよく分からない気もするの…

Mori, T. & Saitoh, T. (2013) Flood disturbance and predator–prey effects on regional gradients in species diversity. Ecology, 95, 132–141. 森さんのEcology論文。うらやましいっす。クロロフィルaがスクレイパーのdensityに影響してなさそうとか,…

Marcarelli, A.M., Kirk, R.W.V. & Baxter, C.V. (2010) Predicting effects of hydrologic alteration and climate change on ecosystem metabolism in a western U.S. river. Ecological Applications, 20, 2081-2088. 水文モデルを使っていると見せかけて…

Webb, J.M., Jacobus, L.M., Funk, D.H., Zhou, X., Kondratieff, B., Geraci, C.J., DeWalt, R.E., Baird, D.J., Richard, B., Phillips, I. & Hebert, P.D.N. (2012) A DNA barcode library for North American Ephemeroptera: Progress and prospects. PL…

Keller, V.D.J., Williams, R.J., Lofthouse, C. & Johnson, A.C. (2014) Worldwide estimation of river concentrations of any chemical originating from sewage-treatment plants using dilution factors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33, …

Matthews, W.J., Marsh-Matthews, E., Cashner, R.C. & Gelwick, F. (2013) Disturbance and trajectory of change in a stream fish community over four decades. Oecologia, 173, 955-969. どこかできいたことありそうな話だなぁと思ったら,AFSのCommuni…


Olden, J.D., Lawler, J.J. & Poff, N.L. (2008) Machine learning methods without tears: A primer for ecologists. Quarterly Review of Biology, 83, 171-193. 涙なしの機械学習:生態学者への入門書。という大変キャッチーなタイトル。Oldenさんと会っ…

Biggs, B.J.F., Goring, D.G. & Nikora, V.I. (1998) Subsidy and stress responses of stream periphyton to gradients in water velocity as a function of community growth form. Journal of Phycology, 34, 598-607. 藻類と流速の関係。初めて見たけど…

Nietch, C.T., Quinlan, E.L., Lazorchak, J.M., Impellitteri, C.A., Raikow, D. & Walters, D. (2013) Effects of a chronic lower range of triclosan exposure on a stream mesocosm community. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 32, 2874-2887.…

Hallegatte, S., Green, C., Nicholls, R.J. & Corfee-Morlot, J. (2013) Future flood losses in major coastal cities. Nature Clim. Change, 3, 802-806. 方法はフォローしてませんが((なので,方法のざっくり感を分かっていませんが),気候変動と地盤沈…

Bryan et al. (2013) Ecohydrological and socioeconomic integration for the operational management of environmental flows. Ecological Applications, 23, 999-1016. アブストとざっと図などを眺めただけですが,おもしろそう。WTPまで計算しています。…

先週の金曜日のことですが,Kurt Fauschさんの発表「The Importance of Sustaining Hidden Connections for Conservation of Aquatic and Terrestrial Biota in Stream-Riparian Ecosystems」を聴きに行きました。口数は多い方ではないと思うだけど,ええ人*…