A way of thinking



Gardner et al. 2012. The significance of hazardous chemicals in wastewater treatment works effluents. Science of the Total Environment 437:363-372. イギリスの162の廃水処理場の最終処理水を一年以上14あるいは28回サンプリングして,処理水に含ま…

Forfait-Dubuc et al. 2012. Survival data analyses in ecotoxicology: critical effect concentrations, methods and models. What should we use? Ecotoxicology 21:1072-1083. 生存データに対して,複数のモデルを使って,NOEC, LC5, NECを比較した論文…

OECD. 2006. Current approaches in the statistical analysis of ecotoxicity data: a guidance to application Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France. p.13 Ecotoxicity tests are biological experiments performed to …

Ormerod, S. J., N. D. Barlow, E. J. P. Marshall, and G. Kerby. 2002. The uptake of applied ecology. Journal of Applied Ecology 39:1-7. Journal of Applied Ecologyに載った論文がどれくらい実際の管理等に利用されたかを,著者にアンケートしてまと…