A way of thinking


Verberk & Bilton (2013) Respiratory control in aquatic insects dictates their vulnerability to global warming. Biology Letters, 9.
Verberk et al. (2011) Oxygen supply in aquatic ectotherms: Partial pressure and solubility together explain biodiversity and size patterns. Ecology, 92, 1565-1572.

呼吸調整?(respiratory control)の方法によって,水生昆虫の酸素欠乏下での温度耐性が変わるというお話(多分)。Ecologyの論文の紹介がここにある:http://youtu.be/aUPQT8GNt4A 。本人のHPはここ

Tingley, M.W., Estes, L.D. & Wilcove, D.S. (2013) Ecosystems: Climate change must not blow conservation off course. Nature, 500, 271-272.
