A way of thinking


Cairns(ご健在のよう)さんに関する特別セッションが前回のSETAC NA@TAMPAで開かれた模様です。その時に本人は欠席されたようですが,ここにあるようなcommentaryを寄せています。このcommentaryは個人的に,昔の状況が分かって興味深いです。ただ,途中から,なかなか,Cairnsさんの”考え”が入ってきます(例えば,3つ目の引用)。でもそれはそれで良いと思いますし(そもそも個人のHPに載せたcommentaryだし),基本的にある意味当たり前で大切なことから,話をしているように思います。

同様の記述は,IEAMのLeaned Discoursesにもあります(in pressのものを含めると2つ)。おもしろいことに,単一種のテストで書いた原稿は”生態学的”な雑誌には”suitable”と思われず,工学系の雑誌は受け入れられたようです(Cairns 2009, IEAM 5(2))。やはりというか,こういう経験をされているのですね。


For a few years, I carried out tests on industrial wastes and finally acquired enough confidence to publish in the field of toxicity testing (e.g., Cairns 1957, Cairns and Scheier 1957). My research then expanded from fish to three components of the food chain – one species of algae, one invertebrate, and one fish (Cairns et al. 1963).

However, even though the diatoms were usually most sensitive to toxics, often either the invertebrate or fish was the most sensitive. I faced significant resistance to this finding because this era used “the most sensitive species” and “the most representative species” concepts.
During this period, I had trouble getting manuscripts published in biological (including ecological) journals because the research was not deemed “suitable.”

If humankind wishes to avoid extinction, it must develop a nurturing relationship with the biospheric life support system. Ideally, all humans should participate in this endeavor. Ecotoxicologists who study the effects of stress on individual species and natural communities are ideally situated to play a major role in this undertaking if more eco is put in ecotoxicology.