A way of thinking



Doi, H., Takahara, T. & Tanaka, K. (2012) Trophic position and metabolic rate predict the long-term decay process of radioactive cesium in fish: A meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 7, e29295. いつか読まなきゃなと思って読んでなかったもの。結論は至っ…

Doi, H., Katano, I., Negishi, J.N., Sanada, S. & Kayaba, Y. (2013) Effects of biodiversity, habitat structure, and water quality on recreational use of rivers. Ecosphere, 4, art102. 土居さんの論文を初めて読んだかも。少し解析が粗いなぁとい…

Liermann, C.R., Nilsson, C., Robertson, J. & Ng, R.Y. (2012) Implications of dam obstruction for global freshwater fish diversity. Bioscience, 62, 539-548. 第一著者のLiermannさんに別刷り下さいと大分前に送って,もらった論文。解析は結構粗い…