A way of thinking




Namba H, Iwasaki Y, Heino J, Matsuda H. 2020. What to survey? A systematic review of the choice of biological groups in assessing ecological impacts of metals in running waters. Environ Toxicol Chem. DOI: 10.1002/etc.4810. 横国大の難波さん…


Fantke P, Aurisano N, Bare J, Backhaus T, Bulle C, Chapman PM, De Zwart D, Dwyer R, Ernstoff A, Golsteijn L, Holmquist H, Jolliet O, McKone TE, Owsianiak M, Peijnenburg W, Posthuma L, Roos S, Saouter E, Schowanek D, van Straalen NM, Vijver…